
Jessica has been involved in several documentaries. Check them out below.
Interested in collaborating with Jessica on your next documentary film? Get in touch here.

  • Dog People

    Dog People charts the rise of a four-legged civil rights movement turning American culture on its head.

    Set for release in 2023.

    Directed by Hendrick Faller. Written by Hendrick Faller and Tom Miller. Produced by: Tom Miller.

  • Dogs, Cats and Scapegoats

    Dogs, Cats and Scapegoats takes a closer look at the multifactorial causes of companion animal homelessness, many of which have become obscured amid the race to adopt and shelter these animals. From shelters to pets in homes, the sociological underpinnings of welfare issues present a unique challenge to the public. Beyond the statistics of euthanasia and adoption, society’s complex and sometimes conflicted relationship with animals is explored to better understand why the cycle of breeding to relinquishment remains entrenched in American society.

    Directed by Hugh Dorigo. Sandgrain Films.

  • The Hardest Day

    The Hardest Day is an unprecedented film that explores the intimacy of the human-animal bond and the last moments between. A meditation on love, loss and the intersection, the film also offers a profound insight into the veterinarians and support staff who help along the way.

    A film by Ross Taylor and Luke Rafferty. 2020.